Subject: How "Clickbait" research studies can impact your health...

The media is not actually interested in helping you get healthy or giving you good health information...

Sure, some good info might filter out to you eventually but most of the time, the media is just interested in the sensationalized story.

They're trying to get your attention in any way they can.

So usually, when it comes to supplements for example, it's all about how things are going to kill you or give you cancer, especially bodybuildling supplements.

And honestly, many researchers don't help with this...they run "clickbait" style studies that are designed to get the attention of the media so it looks good for THEIR careers, because of how much media exposure they're getting.

In reality, those studies have little to no practical benefits for your life.

And in fact, these studies and the media's coverage of them can steer you in the complete wrong direction.

I think the biggest one of these for me is the whole "eggs will kill you" thing that pops up every now and again. Whole eggs are actually one of the BEST foods you can eat, nutritionally speaking.


You should NOT rely on the media for health, nutrition and supplement information.

Which leaves you with an important question...

How do you tell what's important and useful to your life and health...what can truly benefit you...and how do you separate that out from the rest of the overwhelming flood of information coming at you 24/7.

The resource I recommend for this is a site called right now, they're offering a new personalized service where you can choose exactly what kind of information you'd like to receive.

They cut through all the garbage clickbait studies FOR you...summarize the research in plain, easy-to-understand terms and serve it all up to you...exactly how you want it.


I've been a big fan of Examine for years...they're actually my go-to source when I want quality information and supplements and nutrition.


Here are the personalized categories you can pick from:

  • Autoimmune Disease & Allergies
  • Cancer
  • Cannabis & CBD
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Cognition & Memory
  • COVID-19
  • Depression, Anxiety & Stress
  • Diabetes & Blood Sugar
  • Diets & Foods
  • Fat Loss
  • Gut Health
  • Healthy Aging & Longevity
  • Infants, Children & Teenager
  • Herbal Supplements
  • Liver Health
  • Low-Carb & Keto
  • Men’s Health & Testosterone
  • Muscle Gain & Exercise Performance
  • Outside the Box
  • Pain, Joints & Bones
  • Skin, Hair & Aesthetics
  • Sleep
  • Vegan & Vegetarian
  • Vitamins & Minerals
  • Women’s Health

Click here to learn more about Examine's personalized service.

(I really like the "Outside the Box" category...that's where I spend most of my life ;)

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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