Subject: Home cooking for fat loss...made EASY.

Simple concept, right?

Yet this is one of the questions I get all the time...

"What foods can I make at home for fat loss...and that don't taste like cardboard?"

Me, I'm no chef...I'm great at boiling water and it just kinda goes downhill from there.

So when I get that question, I ALWAYS answer it by sending the person to somebody who actually KNOWS how to cook...and cook DELICIOUS healthy food.

One of my go-to guys is Daniel Woodrum, author of the book, Home Cooking For Fat Loss.

In fact, Daniel and I are going to be collaborating on a fast, healthy snack project in December here (and by collaborating I mean he'll be putting together the recipes for the snacks and I'll be eating them... :).

If you've ever had questions about how to cook for fat loss, I can definitely recommend his book, Home Cooking For Fat Loss, to you.

I mean, look at this pizza...(recipe for it in the book)...yes, this can actually HELP you burn fat.

And check out this dessert recipe...

This is what I'm talking about...

Great tasting food, easy recipes...all designed to help you burn fat. Check it out here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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