Subject: Have you heard of “3D ab training”?

Right now, you're going to learn something about ab training that 99% of people don't know...and that number includes a lot of trainers!

Your abs need to be worked in THREE dimensions...

That means...

  • Frontal Plane = side to side movements
  • Sagittal Plane = forward and backward movements
  • Transverse Plane = rotational movements

The trick here is you've got to select exercises that work these movement patterns SMARTLY.

For example, standard crunches work in the Sagittal Plane...but, in my opinion, they're not a great exercise.

Side bends work in the Frontal Plane, but they'll thicken your waist, especially when done with extra weight.

Trunk twists work the Transverse Plane...however, they're not very effective and if you do them wrong, you can seriously torque your lower back.

So now that I've told you how to do 3D Ab Training's how to do it RIGHT.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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