Subject: Got stress in your life? Then PLEASE read this...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

This is a bit of a departure from the usual exercise and training
emails I send out...I think this is something VERY important to
think about, though, as it can really add years to your life and
health to your years!

The FIRST cool part is, what I'm going to tell you about below is
totally free...

The SECOND cool part you'll have to keep reading to find out :)


Stress is everywhere and it can do TERRIBLE things to your body.

And the worst part is, as the physical symptoms of stress show
up, you get MENTAL stress from seeing and feeling those physical
signs! It's a roller coaster that will only stop when you're able
to get control over your stress.

And, of course, getting that control can be the tough part when a
lot of what stresses you out is BEYOND your,
family, name it.

What you CAN control, though, is your REACTION to that that stress...

Do you give in to it and escalate the whole stress chain reaction
and have a freak out? Or do you relax, calm yourself down, and
roll with it?

I think you know which is the better way to go :) It's not an
easy thing to do in every situation, though, especially when life
get nuts.

You're about to learn exactly HOW you can choose option #2 and
take back control of your life.


** So THIS is where the first cool part comes in...

A company called "Health and Wellness Enterprises" is launching
an exciting new Personal Wellness Program and is looking for
folks to give it a try.

Until the end of February 2011, membership to this program is
F.R.E.E. and all they would like in return is your honest
FEEDBACK on the program!

The Personal Wellness Program consists of a daily wellness
session that is sent to you when and how you want. The Wellness
Sessions are based on ancient and proven Tai Chi Qigong exercises
and are designed to help reduce the impact stress has on your
body and all the associated benefits of learning how to manage
stress better.

With the complimentary membership, you will also receive access
to their Tai Chi Qigong Exercise Library and motivational

Check out the welcome video here and be sure to sign up for this
(they're only offering a limited number of these):


Plus, the first 20 participants who earn the Relaxed and Alert
Black Belt while commenting regularly will receive a T-Shirt
announcing their accomplishment.

And that's not even the second cool part I was talking about
above (though that is still pretty cool)...


** The SECOND cool part is that this "Health and Wellness
Enterprises" company is run by my cousin Ron and his wife
Kathy...(she's the brains of the operation...don't tell him I
told you ;)

They really live and breathe this stuff and the quality and
effectiveness of this training is going to blow you away,
especially considering you're not going to pay a dime for it.

So if you're stressed and could use some help, SIGN UP.



P.S. If you know someone who is stressed out (probably one or
two, here and there :), be sure to pass this along to them - you
just might make a difference in their life!

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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