Subject: Got hand, finger or wrist pain? (or want MUCH stronger fingers or wrists)...

...have I got an exercise for you...

One of the major causes of muscle and joint pain just in general is strength or mobility imbalances between opposing muscle groups.

In the case of the hands, think of how often your fingers and wrists are in a flexed position...although it might be easier to think of a time when they're NOT.

Every time you grip a barbell or dumbbell or kettlebell handle, that's flexion...and very STRONG flexion. When you're typing at a computer keyboard, your fingers are in a flexed position. And when you're driving, your hands are flexed around the steering wheel. That's like 90% of your waking life.

Is it any wonder we get things like carpal tunnel syndrome and other forms of hand and wrist pain?

So what we're going to do is directly strengthen the finger and wrist extensor muscles by using a unique version of the Reverse Curl. Ordinarily, this would be another strong flexion exercise when you grip the bar and curl it up.

Well, we're not going to grip on the BAR....we're going to do an OPEN hand "gripless" curl that strongly works the finger and wrist extensor muscles.

It LOOKS insane, but it's incredibly effective and is the perfect exercise for balancing out your hand strength.


How to Do It

To perform this exercise, you'll need an EZ curl bar and a bumper plate.

I'm using a 25 lb plate in the demo, and that was actually surprisingly difficult. If you have fairly strong arms, you can use a 25 as well, otherwise start with a 10 pounder or a training plate.

Load only ONE end of the bar with the plate.

Now open your hand up as wide as you can, splaying your fingers out. Set the back of your hand under one side of the plate.

Then do the same with the other hand.

Now you've got the backs of both of your hands supporting the plate. Bring the bar towards you until the plate edge is braced against your midsection (upper ab area). That is going to be the pivot point of the exercise.

Now curl, tilting the bar up and back.

The plate gives you direct resistance on the finger extensors. As the bar end come up, the leverage of the bar gives you resistance to the wrist extensors.

I've tried it with just the plate (no bar) and it doesn't work at all...the plate just flips back and you lose all the resistance. With the bar, it is PERFECT.

Lower back down to the bottom position, then repeat.

Here's a closer straight-on view.

And the top position. This shot gives you the best idea of exactly how your hands are going to be placed under the plate...splayed out wide and pushing/extending the entire time.

Do as many reps as you can until you basically can't support the weight anymore. Your finger and wrist extensor muscles will be LIT UP.

Not only are they getting actual WORK for once in their life, they're getting continuous tension, too.

Don't plan on playing the piano after a set of these.

I recommend you perform this one at the end of your workouts, because of the fatigue you will generate in those muscles... it will compromise grip on other exercises if you start with it.


The bottom line is this...

As crazy as this one looks, if you have hand, finger or wrist pain caused by imbalances in your strength or mobility, you absolutely should give this exercise a try.

And if you're a martial artist that needs to improve finger and wrist strength, you will LOVE this one.

I was really impressed with how well it worked the first time I did it and it's the perfect counterbalance to the constant state of flexion our hands and fingers are in most of the day.

I definitely recommend watching the video of this one in action. It'll give you the best idea of how to set it up and perform it.


This is About Your Tesosterone Levels...

For the past couple of days, I've been talking about a new book from my friend and colleague, Chad Howse, called The Man Diet.

I just wanted to drop a quick reminder that since they've actual hard copy books, supplies ARE limited. I have no idea how many he has left, but a LOT of people have picked this up already over the past few days and it's very possible he'll run out.

If you're interested in this topic, don't miss out. This is a fantastic book/manual on how to actually get it done in the real world.

This is not theory...this is a plan of action to get your testosterone levels back up where they should be. It's excellent informatoin.

Grab your copy of The Man Diet here...just cover the small shipping and handling fee and it's yours.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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