Subject: Got bad shoulders? Try this exercise for pain-free pressing...

One of the things that a lot of "normal" pressing exercises have
in common is that when your shoulders are tweaked (i.e. injured,
unstable or just "not quite right") many of these pressing
variations can cause pain.

Now, in some cases, you actually shouldn't try and push the issue.
Overhead pressing simply may not be a good movement pattern
for you.

In other cases, you may just need an alternate exercise that doesn't
put the shoulder joint in positions that do cause may be
able to press overhead after all!

That's where this exercise comes in...

It's a shoulder press variation done using a machine designed for
LEG training...and it works GREAT.

(Side Note: if you don't have shoulder issues, this is an excellent
exercise for you, too - it's just not just for those with bad shoulders!).

Click here to check it out now...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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