Subject: Get "kickboxer abs" without getting kicked...

If you want to get kicked, you can still get kicked...don't get me wrong.

What I'm talking about is a unique fat-loss program from my friend and colleague, Mike Zhang (he's actually a North American Kickboxing Champion, so definitely legit in terms of his credentials).

Last week, I had talked about a very strict and challenging approach to fat loss...

Mike's methods are a different approach....very effective but not as hardcore, so literally ANYBODY can use them.

He's put together a series of training sequences, based on his own experience as a kickboxer and training other kickboxers, athletes, physique competitors and a lot of regular people, to help you burn fat without massive deprivation.

His program is called "Kickboxer Abs" and in it, he'll take you through all of these sequences, step-by-step.

And yes, there will be punching and kicking involved...he'll even give you instructions on how to do THAT better, too (and being an actual fighter, he'll teach you REAL technique, not the flailing around that you see in most recreational "kickboxing" group classes).

One of the things I like best about this program is that you don't need a whole lot of equipment for it...if you train at home or if you travel a lot, this is perfect plan for you.

Learn more about Kickboxer Abs here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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