Subject: GREAT bodyweight exercise for legs, glutes, and hips...

Now technically, you could call this exercise a "Leaning One-Leg Squat"...

I like to call these "Speedskater Squats" because of the position your body is in when you squat down.

You'll be doing the exercise at an ANGLE...which will work not only your Gluteus Maximus muscles, you also work your smaller Gluteus Medius and Minimus muscles as well.

These muscles are responsible for abduction of the leg (which means moving the thigh away from the midline of the body).

They are also critical for developing the SHAPE of your backside!!

So in English, it means this exercise is going to build you a GREAT butt...


Now, if you're interested in MUCH more information on hip training and mobility (i.e. flexibility), I would highly recommend checking out my friend and colleague, Eric Wong's program the Hip Flexibility Solution.

This is excellent stuff...personally, I'm not all that flexible and it's something I always keep meaning to do more of because I know how important it is!

Check out the Hip Flexibility Solution here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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