Subject: From bones to buff...

From Nick Nilsson
Author of Muscle Explosion - 28 Days to Maximum Mass

I always find the best muscle-building advice comes from guys who
started out with very little of it and worked hard to really
build it up.

Of course, I'm a little partial because that's MY story, too :)

Anyway, if you're interested in muscle building and you're
starting from "skinny," got a book you should definitely check out.

It's a 5-week program developed by Joey Vaillancourt called
"Bones to Buff." I've known Joey for quite a few years - he
actually got into the training business because of the results he
got from my own Metabolic Surge program, which I thought was
pretty cool!

He started out as a bone rack, gained some muscle but gained fat
with it, then used the Surge program to lean out. Now, after a
lot of experimentation and research, he's put together the
formula that's worked best for him for building muscle fast and I
have to say, he's added on some really good mass from it!

I've read through the program and he's done a nice job with it -
detailed workouts, meal plans, exercise videos, the works. Looks
very effective to me. You can check it out here:


I've also got a quick rundown for you of the 5 week cycle he has
in the book, so you can see it for yourself.

The 5 Week Cycle Workouts

The 5 weeks are designed so that your body experiences a new
muscle gain stimulus each and every week. Each week, there is a
different training phase.

Week 1: The Priming Phase
Week 2: The Oxidative Phase
Week 3: The Glycolytic Phase
Week 4: The Phosphagen Phase
Week 5: The Combinational Triad Phase

By continually varying the way in which the body produces energy
via the 5 training phases, the program targets a different growth
trigger each week. These correspond to:

Week 1: 20 Rep Squats
Week 2: Dropset Training
Week 3: Superset Training
Week 4: Advanced Rest-Pause Training
Week 5: Forced Production Overload Training

You'll get full explanations of every week and phase of the
program in the book.


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