Subject: Eat your carbs "WRONG" for BEST fat-loss results...

The timing of your carb intake is the real nutritional key to fat-loss.

In my experience, it really IS that simple (assuming you've got a caloric deficit, of course...that's a given).

I've been a big fan of low-carb eating for years because it just doesn't work forever and you HAVE to rotate the carbs back in at the right times.

I utilize various strategies for carb reloading, whether it be every 3 days, 5 days or even just one meal a all depends on how strict you want to be.

This article will tell you exactly WHY you should SAVE your carbs until after 6 pm...the time when most diets tell you to stop eating!

Good info!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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