Subject: Down and Up the Rack Dumbell Farmers Walks...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

So first off, if you haven't picked up your free copy of "The
Muscle Doctrine" by Mike Westerdal and Elliott Hulse, NOW is the
time to do it. They're pulling it at midnight tonight and it'll
be gone. It's got a lot of excellent info and is well worth
checking out.

I'll leave all the explaining of what's in it to them on this page:


Now to the exercise...Down and Up the Rack Dumbell Farmers Walks...

This is a GREAT metabolic conditioning exercise that I picked up
from Mike and Elliott a few years back. If you've ever done
Farmers Walks, you know how good they are for total-body training
(and grip strength). THIS technique takes it to a whole new level.

Check it out here:




P.S. I tested the links this time and they work - going to try not
to make the same mistakes twice! So if you have any problems, it's
your fault not mine this time ;) (kidding)

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