Subject: Double KB Gorilla Walking...killer cardio

This one LOOKS a bit nuts, but DANG does it work. It's incredibley effective for "resistance cardio" training.

Click here to watch the video of this exercise in action on Instagram (no account needed).

I'm using a pair of 53 lb kettlebells for this. I've also done it with a single heavy dumbbell set on end and holding under the top plates before, but I actually like this KB version a lot better.


Why is it good?

1. It's lateral movement, which is something most people don't get nearly enough of. Most movement and activity is done in the "front to back" plan of movement. If you're involved in sports if you just want to have a more balanced body, you need lateral movement.

2. It requires powerful core're bent over and you have to pick up, swing, then control and set the kettlebells down on the floor.

3. It's good cardio training (interval). I did a few times up and down my gym floor and I was huffing and puffing hard at the end of it.

4. It's very low-impact. Unless you drop one of the bells down on your foot, of course. Seriously, though, the movement should be very smooth. Both feet are planted as you shift the kettlebells, then you hop your feet to the side, using the bells for support while you do that.

5. It's long as you go in both directions equally.

6. It's fun to do. It actually IS quite fun!

If you've got the equipment and some floorspace, it's worth giving a try.


Side note: you might notice I'm wearing pants underneath the shorts in the video.

These are "resistance wear" from a company by the name of Agogie.

Basically, they have bands sewn right into the material of the pants that provide elastic resistance while you're performing dynamic exercises and movements like these.

I really like these things...I can feel the difference when training with them on.

I'll be posting a full review in a couple of days, along with a bunch of exercises you can use with them (the hill sprints I did while wearing them were brutal).


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The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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