Subject: Don't need muscle-building info? Here's some fat loss info...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Tired of all this “muscle-building talk” from the past few
days? (brace yourself, got a lot more coming next week when I
actually launch the new book! :)

Today, I figured I'd slip in some good fat-loss info for you here
to break things up a bit.

I’ve got a friend named Josh Bezoni who use to work as a
nutritionist for Bill Phillips of EAS, Body for LIFE and now
Transformation. Josh has done a lot of great things in the "body
transformation" arena and he's just put together a report on some
really unique and "non-painful" fat-loss strategies that uses
with his clients.

You can grab that here:


In the report, Josh reveals THREE reasons most people can’t
lose belly fat no matter how hard they try. Then he gives 7 very
good tips to overcoming these problems for a lean, flat stomach.

I just finished reading through it and this report has some great
info in how to use a new method called “Calorie
Confusion” and “Thermal Burn” to force your body into
dropping abdominal fat no matter what.

Plus you'll learn about “obesity additives” that food
manufacturers are sneaking into your food and making you gain
fat. Wild stuff...

Check it out here:



P.S. Just a quick thing...I decided to leave my "2 Simple Rules
to DOUBLE Your Muscle-Building Results" free ebook up a few more
days. I had a TON of people still grabbing it at the deadline and
I have to say, the information in it is EXTREMELY important, so I
didn't really want to shut it down.

The information in the book can make a HUGE difference in how you
approach mass explains why you hit plateaus and
what your program has to do to avoid them, along with the four
biggest physiological factors that you can change about body
(through training) that can help you set the stage for massive
muscle growth, even if you're a hardgainer.

Grab it here:

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