Subject: Do you eat high protein for building muscle?... could be wasting a LOT of money on that protein, if it's not digesting properly.

You are NOT what you eat.

You are what you ABSORB.

There's a big difference.

And one of the key things that I've discovered in the last few years that has made a HUGE difference in my own training and results is that everybody needs a little help with digestion.

You've likely heard of digestive enzymes... I take these with every meal. They're especially important as you get older and your body produces less and less of them. Taking those helps a LOT.

What you might not know is that there is a specific strain of PROBIOTIC that can help you get even MORE out of the protein you're eating or supplementing with (even if you're already taking enzymes).

It does this by further breaking down the protein you're eating so that your body has an easier time using it.

Think of digestive enzymes as a lawn mower that chops up the protein into smaller chunks....this probiotic mulches the protein into REALLY small chunks that your body can use very efficiently.

This means you're getting more muscle-building benefits from the protein you're eating... and you don't have to eat as much protein to get those benefits.

This strain is found in a product called P3-OM.

You simply take a few capsules with your meal/protein and that's it.

And you get more muscle-building bang-for-your-buck for every gram of protein you eat.


This is a product I use regularly myself and HIGHLY recommend. My digestion has never been better.

Right now, the makers of P3-OM are having a fantastic Labor Day sale.

You can get 3 bottles of it for 65% off the regular price (ideal if you have digestive issues you want to address), or you can get 1 bottle for 45% off.

I've been taking this stuff along with their MassZymes digestive enzyme product and honestly, you owe it to yourself to try it out. This stuff is great. You can definitely use P3-OM on it's own, though.

I'm not a fan of most supplements... I've been at this a long time and I've seen a lot of stupid things come and go.

This is one of those supplements that you WILL actually notice a positive difference from and very quickly, and it's backed by solid science.

Learn more about P3-OM here and improve your protein digestion IMMEDIATELY.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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