Subject: Do more pull-ups... 3 training strategies to get it done...

Pull-ups are one of THE best upper body exercises you can do... straight up.

So imagine stepping up to the bar, grabbing it, then cranking out 10, 15, or even 20 or more QUALITY reps without even breaking a sweat.

And just imagine how much bigger and stronger your back and biceps are going to be once you're able to hammer out reps like that.

THAT is true mastery of your bodyweight.

I've got an excellent guest article here for your from my friend and colleague, John Sifferman about how to improve your pull-ups FAST.

Learn the 3 strategies to rapidly improve your pull-ups here.

This is really good, proven, no-fluff info that you can put to work immediately.

In fact, one of the methods is something I've used with GREAT success in the past...working up to an unbroken set of 39 reps.

(Just FYI, the technique I'm showing in the pic above is a different one than what I was talking about. This is a cross-band pull-up that puts direct lateral tension on the lats as well along with the vertical loading. Just hitch two bands onto the sides of the rack, loop the wrists through on the opposite side, stretch the bands out THEN grip onto the bar so the bands are constantly trying to pull your hands inward. This puts INSANE non-stop tension on the lats.)

Get your 3 pull-up training strategies here...


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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