Subject: Discover the 4 keys to overcoming chronic pain

Hidden deep in the scientific literature are the real solutions to chronic pain.

Unfortunately, the TRUE answers to the world's rapidly growing pain epidemic hardly ever see the light of day...

...and conventional pain medicine is often so focused on covering up symptoms that it rarely even asks the question: Why is this pain present?

It’s a shame - because we’re learning more & more about how to fix chronic pain every day.

And that’s why you need to know about this masterclass: The Science of Permanent Pain Resolution.

This class is being hosted by my friend and colleague, Dr. Yoni Whitten.


If you haven’t heard of Dr. Whitten before, here’s what you need to know…

For the last 17 years, his entire clinical practice has centered around the permanent resolution of complex chronic pain conditions.

His clinic is affectionately known as “the last stop for chronic pain.”

Now, Dr. Whitten is bringing the lessons from his clinic to pain sufferers everywhere! You no longer need to be a patient to benefit from his teachings & experience.

You can get the answers you need from the comfort of home.

Sign up now and you’ll discover: 

  • Which pain treatments dramatically increase your risk for developing long-term pain

  • The underlying cause of the low energy/chronic fatigue associated with chronic pain

  • How to train your body’s pain relief system so you automatically feel less pain

  • Habits of people who experience far less pain – and what you can do to get the same benefits

  • And much more! 

Dr. Whitten has shattered the mold for what chronic pain treatment looks like. He’s got the information you need to finally break free from pain and get your life back!

Click here to get access to his Masterclass Series for free (Valued $197)

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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