Subject: [Did you miss this?] The blueprint for getting Six-Pack Abs...

(quick note: I had originally sent this out on Sunday, but just wanted to follow up in case you were busy or missed's really good stuff)

If you want a six-pack, just go on a diet and do some crunches, right?

Well...not really, no.

That might work eventually...for SOME people...but it's NOT the best way to make it happen FAST.

THIS is a much better way to get six pack abs.

It's an excellent new book from my friend and colleague, Peter Tzemis, called "The 77 Laws of Six Pack Abs."

Right now, he's offering it almost free (just cover a small shipping's an actual printed book that gets mailed to you).

I read through it last night and there's some really good stuff in here....actionable, practical and effective.

These are the kinds of tips that can really help you achieve your goal of six-pack abs. Here are a few examples, taken directly from the web page...

  • Law #20: This simple “fruit hack” immediately puts your body in an anabolic state... replenishes liver glycogen... and downregulates hunger signals…
  • Law #14: The “punch in the gut” reflex that automatically reprograms your abdominals and strengthens your neuro-abdominal connection...
  • Law #15: How can Michael Phelps consume 10,000 Calories a day and not gain an ounce of fat? It’s a 3-minute hack you can do at home (without an olympic-sized swimming pool)...
  • Law #19: How lack of blood flow causes stubborn fat to resist melting (and one thing you can do about it)...
  • Law #31: Why excessive cardio stops your weight loss efforts cold...
  • Law #66: Why drinking milk is the kiss of death to an ab workout (Amazingly, it’s… SUGAR?! Yes, but with an interesting twist)…
  • Law #43: Do you have “a keystone habit?” (In other words, a habit that locks all your other habits in place?) Without a keystone habit everything eventually falls apart. Here’s how to create one...

Grab your copy of the book here.

The story on the page is a bit corny (you'll see what I mean when you read it), but the information in the book itself is rock solid.

It'll make your path to getting six-pack abs MUCH clearer.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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