Subject: Defective Repetitions and Gym Fashion Crimes...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Got three things for you here today...

1. Defective article about TERRIBLE form you see
in the gym.

2. Gym Fashion Crimes - I need submissions for this one. Just
reply to this email with a description of the worst fashion
crimes you've seen in the gym. The only gym fashion crimes I've
seen in the past 10 years have been the ones I've been committing
myself since I train in my basement, so fire away! I'll publish
the best ones here.

3. Last chance for "Stage Ready Training & Nutrition" on sale
for 50% off till tonight at midnight ONLY (and I have to say, the
special bonus book Maximum Muscle Mass by Morris Mendez is worth
the price of the package just on it's own).



Defective Repetitions

Think back to the last time you were in the gym. Think about who
was in there, what they were doing and what they were doing
wrong. See how many of these defective rep types you've spotted
(hopefully, not directly in the mirror!).

1. The "Trampoline" Rep

What goes down must bounce back up. The "Trampoline" rep is most
often found on the bench press (surprise). Here's a hint - if
your rib cage hurts more than your pecs at the end of the set or
if you have an indented groove running across your chest so deep
and straight that you could pour water across your chest into a
bottle without spilling a drop, you may want to consider
lightening up the weight just a touch. Leave the CPR to the

2. The "I Can't Believe It's Not Styrofoam" Rep

This style is commonly seen being done by anyone afraid that if
they lift anything heavier than a wet piece of paper, they'll
instantly develop massive, manly muscles (I wish it were that
easy!). The key to this rep is removing every bit of resistance
that you can from the exercise. The weight should appear to
"float" as it's being lifted. If any strain or effort is felt,
stop immediately before there is any danger of breaking a sweat
and consult your beautician.

3. "The Spotter Made Me Do It" Rep

If your spotter has to stretch out before your sets, that's a big
giveaway. If people pat your spotter on the back and say "good
set" to THEM when they get done helping you, take note. If YOU
have to yell encouragement to your spotter instead of the other
way around, you're guilty.

4. The "I Swear I Did This Weight Last Week" Rep

This failed rep is immediately followed by a shaking head and a
disbelieving stare at the weight. Watch for the "somebody must
have switched the numbers on these weights because there's no way
these are the same ones I used last week" look in the eyes. The
lifter will never reduce the weight after this humiliation, just
go directly to a different exercise to try again.

5. The "Funky Chicken" Rep

This list would not be complete without a nod to the most
entertaining rep of them all: the "Funky Chicken Rep." Let put it
this way--if a bunch of sugar-crazed, sock-footed kids scrambling
for scattered Piniata-candy on a freshly waxed floor looks more
coordinated than you when you're lifting...

6. The "Spitting Cobra" Rep

Deadly accurate from great distances, the spitter will project a
wall of saliva onto a mirror 10 feet away. And never EVER get
between a spitter and his's like a mother bear and
her cubs...only with spit.

7. The "Breathing Is For Suckers" Rep

"Who needs to breathe properly. I can lift more weight when I
hold my breath." Perhaps, but you can also lift more weight when
you're CONSCIOUS. Holding your breath is fine (and even
necessary) for parts of some lifts, but there will come a point
when you DO have to let it.

8. The "Half-A**ed" Rep

Doing a rep in this fashion can leave a person dangerously
unbalanced and tilting sideways. Use your whole a** and don't be
a dumb a**.

9. The "I'm Too Foxy For This Weight" Rep

Done by a person spending more time watching their "form" than
watching their form. The person caught kissing their bicep in the
middle of a dumbell curl is a definite culprit.

10. The "We All Scream For Ice Cream" Rep

Sometimes a good scream is just what you need to get that last
rep. But, sometimes it just isn't. If you find you need constant
attention from everyone else in the gym, just wear a lot of
cologne or perfume or talk really loud on your cell phone or
something civilized like that. Screaming is fine when it's
merited. Screaming like your leg is caught in a bear trap while
you're doing wrist curls is not.


P.S. Don't forget to submit your best gym "fashion crimes" now!
If you've got pictures, even better, but no worries if you've
just got colorful descriptions :) Just reply to this email.

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