Subject: DB Switch-Leg Split of THE BEST leg exercises you'll ever do!

Leg training is not all just squats and leg press...
and to prove it, I've got a VERY cool exercise
for you to try out!

This is a great leg exercise that really forces the muscles to
do the work by taking away any hint of elastic/rebound help
out of the bottom of the split squat position. You do this by
switching legs in the kneeling position at the bottom of the
movement, coming back up on the opposite leg as you
the one you came down on.

You'll start in a standing position. Come down into the bottom
position with one leg back - this part is a Reverse Lunge.

Bring your front leg back and kneel on both knees. Now bring the
other leg forward and get into that split squat position.

Come up to the standing position again.

You can do all your reps in one direction then switch or immediately
step back with the same leg and go around the other way.

You can also do another variation of this exercise where when
you come back up to the top, you come up on only one leg
and don't touch the other one down. This keeps good tension
on the muscles at the top. Then just step back down and
repeat in the other direction, again holding your other leg off
the ground at the top of the movement.

It's easier to see how this exercise works in the video,
so definitely watch that
if you really want dig in and try this

(I do have to apologize up front as the resolution on the video
is not'll still be able to see how the exercise works,

This exercise is a GREAT one for the legs. It looks like it might
be hard on the knees at the bottom, but I haven't found that
when I've done it. If it's a concern, you can fold up a towel or
use a mat for cushioning.


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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