Subject: Cool 10-minute BODYWEIGHT-ONLY fat-loss workout...

When you're pressed for time, your workouts
are almost always the first thing to go, right?

...and don't feel bad about happens to ME, too!

There are days where I want to train, but just don't feel like I
have time to get a good one in...and cripes, I have a full gym
in my basement, so I really have no excuse ;).

That's why I was happy to see an excellent video that a
colleague of mine, Derek Wahler, put together and sent
over to me the other day to pass along to you..

It's a very simple, very effective 10 minute fat-burning workout
done with BODYWEIGHT only - watch the video here...

Look, I know there are some days where even 10 minutes is
going to be too much to squeeze in...I've been there, too. You're
just slammed back-to-back-to-back on everything.

But for the days where you DO have 10 minutes to spare,
Derek's workouts are the perfect way to keep your fat-loss
training going and get a very effective workout in a very short
space of time...

...done in 10 minutes and not a second more.

And if you're interested in MORE workouts just like this, I
definitely recommend checking out his book "10 Minute Fat-Loss"...
he's got 108 additional workouts, just like this one, to help
you get lean on YOUR schedule.

Check out 10-Minute Fat-Loss here...


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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