Subject: Coaching call with 3 fat loss experts goes away tonight...

From Nick Nilsson

Hey, just one quick thing that I wanted to make sure you knew about today (because it's only going to be available TODAY).

If you remember Joel Marion's "Xtreme Fat Loss Diet" program that I mentioned in my previous email this morning, he's including as a bonus for those who pick it up today ONLY, a LIVE 120-minute coaching call where he, John Romaniello (Final Phase Fat Loss), and Dr. Kareem Samhouri (Double Edged Fat Loss). They will ALL be on the line to answer your most burning fat loss questions.

I know all three of these guys personally and they are EXTREMELY knowledgeable when it comes to fat loss. You're going to be blown away by the information you'll get on this call, so if you're considering picking up Joel's program, TODAY is definitely the day to do it as it'll be your last chance to get on that call. This is a VERY valuable bonus.

Click here to get $30 off & your $397 value Fast Action Bonus (today only)

Now, when it comes to Joel's program, I have to say I agree with him on the vast majority of the stuff he's got in the program and how he's set things up. It's very well put together and well structured.

The only major thing I would change would be to decrease the amount of training in it. There's not a lot of rest built into the program and I think putting in a few extra complete days off would be beneficial.

That being said, it's an excellent program overall and very much in line with what I know works in a strategic fat loss program that incorporates cheat days, fasting and depletion training. Very effective stuff.

This program WILL rip the fat right off you.

Click here to get $30 off & your $397 value Fast Action Bonus (today only)


P.S. Also, when you pick up the Xtreme Fat Loss program through any of the links in this email, I'm including as a bonus my ebook "The Best Fat Loss Exercises You've Never Heard Of."

This book is PACKED with my favorite "mad scientist" exercises that I use for fat loss...exercises that will crank your metabolism like crazy and just destroy the normal exercsies you see done in the gym in terms of fat loss.

Just click through one of the links in this email when you pick up Joel's book then forward your receipt to and we'll hook you up with a download link.

Click here to grab your copy now

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