Subject: Can EXERCISE be as powerful as drugs for your body?

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Did you know that exercise can act as powerfully as pharmaceutical drugs in terms of what it can accomplish in your body?

(and, of course, exercise is better because it's not drugs!)

The right types of exercise can do things like clean your blood... prevent cartilage damage in arthritis... combat cancer... and even keep your mind sharp.

What's more "unknown"... or maybe "unbelievable" for some... is just how LITTLE exercise (the right kind, as I mentioned) you actually need in order to accomplish some of these things. 

You don't have to spend hours a day at this stuff...even as crazy as I am, I only train 3 times a week, for about an hour and that's it.


One of the smartest coaches I know has put together a great program that will revolutionize the way you think about exercise... and how it applies to your health.


Have a look here and you'll see what I'm talking about...

His approach is very unconventional (which I'm a fan of, of course) and if you've ever had trouble staying motivated, or maybe you get bored quickly with training, or you have trouble getting a workout in when you're limited on time, this is exactly what you need.

Check it out here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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