Subject: Bulletproof supplements...are they good?

"Bulletproof" is a company that started based on the concept of "Bulletproof Coffee"...

This essentially entailed adding MCT's and grass-fed butter to your coffee for the goal of sustained energy via healthy fats. I'm not going to get into the merits (or non-merits) of that entire concept here...

I was more curious to test out some of the OTHER products that Bulletproof offered, separate from coffee, primarily since I don't like coffee and never drink it!

Bulletproof offers a wide array of Keto-friendly products, three of which I've tested out and reviewed: Collagen Protein, Greens and InnerFuel Prebiotic.

Check out my three Bulletproof product reviews here...


Side note, their prebiotic supplement would be an excellent one to take when doing my "3 Day Craving Killer Protocol" for killing sugar cravings guessed it...3 days flat.

If you're interested in learning more about my 3 Day Craving Killer Protocol, click works GREAT.

It's an EASY supplement protocol that strategically (and quickly) changes out your gut bacteria to eliminate the bacteria that cause sugar cravings and replace them with "good" bacteria that promote health and improved mood.

I also did a five-minute video rundown on it here that explains how and why it works.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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