Subject: Building muscle/burning favorite training techniques for BOTH

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Got a couple of quick things for you here before I get you those
training techniques (they're a lot of fun and VERY effective).

1. 7 Day Belly Fat Blast

Josh Bezoni's new program that I sent an email about early this
morning. The primary focus of his book is EATING. You'll learn
not what you CAN'T eat....what you CAN really help melt
abdominal fat.

Though spot reduction isn't really possible, the foods you eat do
have an impact on your hormonal fat-storage patterns in your
body. When you eat the RIGHT foods, you help minimize that
abdominal fat-storage mechanism in your body and even though the
body isn't burning fat specifically from the stomach only, it's
not purposefully holding it there and storing it there either.

This can make a BIG difference your fat-loss results in the short
and long term. Simple foods...very nice plan. The training info
is definitely more geared towards the beginner end of things,
which is one of the reasons I wanted to give you some good
training info, too.

==> <== Click here for 7 Day Belly Fat Blast

2. Holy Grail Body Transformation by Tom Venuto

I've known Tom since 2003, when we were both just starting out
online and I can tell you there is a reason people trust his
training info. It's top quality and it WORKS.

And Tom's new book "Holy Grail Body Transformation" is packed
with KILLER info on how to build muscle and burn fat at the same
time (the "holy grail", so to speak).

This book takes the mystery out of muscle-building and fat loss,
breaking down every step you need to take in order to achieve
BOTH at the same time.

It's a big goal to take on and a very relevant one...not many
people I know who wouldn't want to hit both at the same
time...Tom does it with programs and nutrition based on science
and experience.

==> <== Click here for Holy Grail

3. Get Any One of My Books FREE

To sweeten the deals on BOTH of these books, I'm throwing in a
very cool bonus...and it's ONLY good when you order through
either of the special tracking links in this email.

Rather than TELL you what you're going to get as a bonus, when
you order Josh's and/or Tom's program, I'm going to give you a
CHOICE. I'll give you a copy of ANY ONE of my other 10 books FREE
(see them here):

After you order either book, just send an email to with your receipt # and which ebook of mine
you'd like to get for your bonus...we'll verify the purchase and
hook it up for you!

Remember, this offer is ONLY good when you order through either
of these links:




My Favorite Muscle-Building and Fat-Loss Training Techniques

Here's the list! I won't take up more space explaining in the
email here...just go to the pages and have a read through. This
is stuff that can be used to target both fat-loss and
muscle-growth (these are in no particular order):

1. High/Low Lactic Acid Training

2. Stink Training for Brining Up Weaker and Smaller Bodyparts

3. Down and Up The Rack Dumbell Farmers Walk

4. High-Rep Partial Training

5. Using HIGH Reps To Build Muscle? Three Ways To Do It That Will
Shatter ANY Muscle Growth Plateau!

6. The Top 5 Most Unconventional Things I've Ever Done To Lose
Fat, Build Muscle or Gain Strength

7. Compound Exercise Overload - One of THE Most Stunningly
Powerful Single Workouts You Will EVER DO

8. Fat Loss Circuit Training



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