Subject: Build beastly tricep strength with this simple DB technique...

Triceps are among my very favorite muscle groups to train...

They're critical for strong presses and they fill out a T-shirt nicely when developed!

And one of the best ways to build triceps strength and mass is through negative-focused training (eccentric reps).

What I've got for you is a way to do tricep extension negatives very easily. Keep in mind, this is not a beginner's more intermediate to advanced.

Start at the top of the exercise, dumbbells held in a neutral grip.

Start by lowering the dumbbells under control for the first half to 2/3 of the movement...that last part is when you need to start fighting.

As you approach the bottom, bring the dumbbells to your shoulders.

Now bring them down beside your chest and press them back up to the top... and go again.

It's very simple...however there's a lot more to it than just going through the motion.


The key point here is HOW to actually do negative reps.

Don't just try and control the descent...FIGHT the descent, as in try and actually perform the exercise concentrically as the weight overcomes your strength.

True negatives aren't about simply controlling the pace of the lowering...they're about actively working AGAINST the lowering. That's what causes the muscle damage we're looking for.

Now, because of the strength curve of the exercise, this part won't happen until you're near the bottom (as I alluded to above) so DO control it for the first part, then fight it hard for the last part.

Then bring the dumbbells down and press back up.

If you haven't done negatives on a stretch exercise like this, your triceps will be in for a shock.

And with an exercise like this, be very cognizant of muscle fiber in don't push so hard that you cause too much damage and strain or tear a muscle.

You need to be very in tune with how the exercise feels and DON'T do this technique if you're not already well trained on stretch-focused tricep exercises like this.

It's a great technique, but only for experienced trainers.

You can see the quick, one-minute video of this technique in action on my YouTube channel here.



Want more home-gym style exercises like this?

The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of... 277 unique exercises done using just dumbbells, barbells and a bench.

I've got ten exercises you can test out on the website for it - definitely worth running through these if you're looking for more unique movements.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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