Subject: Better than testosterone? (6 hours left to get NEW Bonus F.REE!)

What could be better than testosterone for building muscle?


I know...sounds crazy, but the hormonal cascade that follows a massive release of lactate (a.ka. lactic acid) can actually be more powerful than testosterone for building muscle.

Yesterday, I told you about a new muscle-building program put out by my friend and colleague Vince Del Monte called No-Nonsense Muscle Building 2.0: Gene Expression Training...right now on sale for just 10 BUCKS.

Vince has decided to add in a fast-action bonus that makes investing in his new program even more of a no-brainer:

The Ultimate Single Set Pre-Workout Lactate Protocol To Increase Growth Hormone, Leanness and Mass!

HRT(z)ONE is a single set (hence “ONE”) of Hypertrophy Recomposition Training (HRT; meaning this protocol releases hormones that help build muscle and burn fat), that puts you into the HURT ZONE in record time.

(All the scientific references to these claims are in the manuals)

A whole-body lactic acid maximization protocol, HRT(z)ONE is a single ALL-OUT set that you will do before every workout to maximize lactic acid and growth hormone… and of course, the length of this set is tailored to YOUR muscle fiber type.

And for anyone who picks up the No-Nonsense Muscle Building 2.0 system before tonight at midnight Vince is going to GIVE it to you for FREE.

>> 90% OFF NNMB 2.0 + The HRT(z)ONE Protocol FREE Today Only


My Bonus For You.... Mad Scientist Lactic Acid Training

I put this book together specifically to go with Vince's program. It's a collection of all the information I've put out on Lactic Acid Training over the past few years.

I have to say, the stuff in this book is awesome...literally some of the best training techniques I've ever discovered/used are in this report. This is stuff that can help you build lean muscle AND burn stubborn fat.

And the ONLY way to get it is when you pick up a copy of Vince's NNMB 2.0 program for just 10 bucks.

(after you order, or if you've already ordered, just forward your receipt to and we'll hook you up)

What You're Going To Get With NNMB 2.0...

When you pick up a copy of NNMB 2.0 you're going to receive ALL 270 WORKOUTS which includes an 18-week Fast Twitch Muscle Fiber program, Mixed Fiber Type program and Slow Twitch Muscle Fiber Type program.   

How do you know what your fiber type is? Vince will have you do a short quiz to determine what it is so that your program is CUSTOMIZED to your genes.

You'll get Vince's "HRT(z)ONE" protocol (which is excellent).

You'll get my "Mad Scientist Lactic Acid Training" book.

And you'll get it all for just 10 bucks...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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