Subject: Best fruit to eat before bed...

Did you know eating fruit before bed is one of the best natural solutions for reducing inflammation and joint pain?

For example, Harvard’s Dr. Frank Hu says blueberries are high in natural antioxidants proven to fight off inflammation...eating blueberries before bed can actually help ease the pain of arthritis.

(and don't worry, blueberries are very low in sugar and carbs so they'll have little to no impact on your blood sugar).

Yet while some foods can help lower inflammation…

Dr. Hu’s research shows there are also 5 popular foods that ramp up inflammation and pain in your body (sugar is a BIG one).

In fact, one of these foods is even marketed as being “healthy” by the USDA...and an estimated 93% of Americans consume it every single day.

Click the video link below to discover the 5 foods you should NEVER eat if you have arthritis or joint pain...they're going to make it WORSE.

VIDEO: The 5 WORST foods for joint pain (and what to eat instead)

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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