Subject: Best Front Squat assistance exercise EVER...

The "Frankenstein + Dumbbell Squat" is what I call it...

This admittedly very strange-looking exercise is phenomenal for developing strength in the muscles that help prevent the torso from tilting forward during a Front Squat.

Essentially, it's a "hands free" Front Squat done holding a dumbbell in those hands that are free. This substantially increases the loading on the anterior core "support" muscles, the front delts and the entire trapezius muscle so that when you go back to doing regular Front Squats, you won't tip forward as easily, even with heavier loads.

The hands-free squat on its own is known as a "Frankenstein Squat" or a "Zombie Squat."

To do this one, you'll need a rack and a dumbbell. Set the rack rails to the bottom height of a Front Squat - I recommend doing these "bottoms up" Anderson Squat style.

I've got 135 lbs on the bar and I'm holding a 20 lb dumbbell. You really don't need much weight for these because of the dual resistance and where it's located out in front of you.

Squat down under the bar, then get it racked across your front delts. Pick up the dumbbell and hold it horizontally by the "bells."

Now stand up...

Come all the way up to the top, keeping your arms horizontal.

Then come back down under control. Let the bar set fully back down on the rails (primarily so you can breathe), then go again.

I like this one for low reps (e.g. 3-5). To do higher reps would require a very light weight and decrease the specific strength-building effects of the exercise.

And yes, you will likely sound like you're being murdered by a monster as you're doing it. It's a very different way to load the body and it is extremely challenging.

I've got the video rundown on this one for you here.

And if you'd like to start right from where the exercise demo starts, click here.


And I've got 5 MORE insane leg exercises for you to try right here, too...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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