Subject: Awesome new drop set method for a thicker back...

One of my favorite ways to drop sets is changing the range of motion instead of changing the weight.

This technique is going to just hammer your back with chest-supported barbell rows.

When doing barbell rows, the weight you can effectively use at the top of the movement is much less than the weight you can use at the bottom (which has much better leverage).

This means your back muscles aren't getting full overload all the way through.

This ROM method addresses that by decreasing the range of motion instead of decreasing the weight so that you can work your back effectively for muscle growth in every part of the rowing movement.

You can see how it works here...

Range-Of-Motion Drop Sets for Chest-Supported Rows add one more plate

You will need a barbell, a bench and some bumper plates (or Step risers) to do this one.

It works GREAT for fully overloading the bar in a rowing movement.


The Single Most Overlooked Nutrient for Getting Deep, Restful Sleep..

If you toss and turn most nights… have trouble getting deep, restful sleep… or wake up groggy and tired...

There’s a very good chance it’s because you’re deficient in just ONE overlooked nutrient.

The good news is, when you add this calming nutrient back into your diet, you could enjoy deep, restful sleep as soon as THIS WEEK.

>> Eat this 1 overlooked nutrient for deep, restful sleep

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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P.S. This is NOT about herbs, tea, or essential oils. Rather, it’s about something much more fundamental than that. Discover the one overlooked nutrient for DEEP SLEEP here.
