Subject: A "zero-brains required" training style...great for muscle AND fat loss...

Got a cool training style that I've been messing around with the past week and I think you're going to like's a variation of my Time-Volume Training and it is GREAT for building muscle (if that's your focus) AND for keeping muscle if you're on a fat-loss program.

If you're not familiar with it, Time-Volume Training is a form of density training that gives you a "paint-by-numbers"-easy layout to follow in your workouts. It tells you what weight to use, how many reps to do, how much rest to take and when to increase weight with ZERO brains required.

It's simple training at it's best.

I'll give you the full rundown of it on the's a VERY effective training style and one of my favorite ways to train, to be quite honest.

The version that I've got for you here today is Antagonistic Time-Volume Training and it has some BIG advantages over regular T/V Training, including allowing you to do more overall work in less time while staying stronger the whole way through...not too shabby!

Learn Antagonistic Time-Volume Training now!


P.S. For the past few months, I've been working on a BIG update to my "Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt NOW!" glute training book...I've packed it with more exercises, programs and information, all dedicated to building you larger, firmer, rounder glutes.

The new version is AWESOME and the wait is almost should be ready to roll out next week so if you want a better butt and you want it NOW, this is the book for you!

Plain link from today's email to copy and paste into your browser:

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