Subject: A simple pulldown exercise to fix your posture...

It directly targets the postural muscles that help pull your shoulders back into alignment.

This is a great exercise for working the small, postural muscles of the upper back that get easily overwhelmed when using heavier weights on rows and pulldowns. The unique positioning allows you to put laser-targeted focus on those smaller muscles.

You'll set an incline bench under and a little back from a high pulley. Use a wide grip handle and a light weight on the machine...this exercise is all about FEEL, not lifting heavy.

Grab the bar with a wide grip then sit on the bench.

The MOST important thing here is that only your butt and the BACK OF YOUR HEAD will be on the bench. Your entire back and your shoulders should be OFF the bench.

Because as you pull the bar down towards your chest, you're going to be using the back of your head as the base to push your chest towards the bar at the same time.

As you pull down and the bar meets your chest, hold the bar there then focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together HARD.

Remember, this exercise is all about feel...the idea here is to take the BIG muscles out of it and just focus on using the smaller ones (like the teres minor and major, rhomboids, middle traps, etc) rather than the lats.

Pulling your shoulder blades in while keep your elbows out wide and forcing your chest out will do this.

Repeat this for high reps (15+). Since you're going to be using light weight (that's mandatory!), you'll need the high reps to get a good training effect. Using heavier weight will force your body to recruit the lats to a greater extent, which is what we want to avoid with this exercise.

As I mentioned above, it's excellent for the postural muscles that pull your shoulders back into alignment. It's also GREAT for developing the detailed muscles of your upper back that don't get worked effectively with heavier training.

Just remember...NO BACK ON THE BENCH...just the back of your head and your butt...that's it.


Walking Dead Text Neck...

Ever seen "herds" of people like this before? Faces buried in their devices, walking down the street, heads craned down, necks all bent out of shape, oblivious to the world around them.

Now don't get me wrong, I've got an iPhone that I use all the time...these things are great.

I just see two big problems here that I want to talk about...

1. Look up every once in awhile, especially before you cross the street (for real). I hope you know this one already, but I've seen some things and cars don't always stop.

2. Watch out for your neck position.

While it sounds a bit like parental badgering (i.e. if you make that face all the time, it'll freeze like that), in the case, something like that is actually true.

If your neck is constantly in a state of flexion from looking down at your device, your neck muscles (and connective tissue and even your bones over time) will gradually take up a permanently flexed forward position...(also known as "text neck").

And if you don't address it, it's going to wreck your posture, making you hunched over, shorter, "contracted" and honestly, just feel old before your time.

These long-term changes to your body are serious.

They CAN be corrected, though...

My friends and colleagues Rick Kaselj and Mike Westerdal have just released a program called "Forward Head Posture Fix"

The name is not glamorous...however, it perfectly describes what this program is all about....fixing that forward neck tilt that can happen not only from using a device for long periods, but from reading, looking down too long, as well as poor posture in general.

In this program, you'll get an easy-to-follow sequence for correcting this problem in as little as 15 minutes.

Look, we all know that texting and smart phones and tablets and computers aren't going away. What you DO need to know is how to use easy exercises and techniques to fix the long-term postural issues that can come from using these devices.

And that's exactly what this simple program does for you.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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