Subject: A fat-burning "barbell complex" that will crush your will to live...

And with a sell job like that, how you could possibly
NOT want to do it! ;)

Ok, it's not QUITE that bad, but it WILL challenge you!

If you're not familiar with the term "barbell complex," it's pretty easy to's a series of barbell exercises done without changing or removing
your grip on the bar.

This is VERY good training, especially for fat loss or when you're short
on time - it stimulates a tremendous amount of muscle mass (especially
this posterior chain complex I'm going to show you) and really ramps
up the metabolism.

It's not great for building muscle, though, because you'll be limited in
the weight you use by the weakest exercise in the complex.

As I mentioned, THIS complex is going to target the Posterior Chain.

If you're not familiar with THAT term, the simplest way to describe
it is basically a group name for all the muscles that run down the back
of your body...traps, lats, spinal erectors, glutes, hams, calves.

So here's the exercise list you're going to:

1. Hang Clean & Press - hits shoulders and traps
2. Wide Grip Bent-Over Barbell - upper back (rhomboids, teres major, middle traps)
3. Stiff Legged Deadlift - hamstrings, glutes, lower back
4. Conventional Deadlift - pretty much everything!

You're going to use the same grip on every single exercise, starting
with the hang clean and press. I usually set my index fingers on the
smooth O rings on the Olympic bar. The rest of the exercises are done
with that grip - even the conventional deadlifts.

As you can see, you're going from weakest to strongest lifts with this
complex. It's going to work the heck out of your grip, too.

I've got pictures below and I've also posted a YouTube video showing
a run-through in sequence of the whole complex.

Watch the Complex Video

#1 Barbell Hang Clean & Press - Shoulders and Traps

Learn how to perform the Barbell Hang Clean and Press here.

Barbell Hang Clean & Press

Barbell Hang Clean & Press

Barbell Hang Clean & Press

Barbell Hang Clean & Press

#2 Wide Grip Barbell Rows - Upper Back

Make sure you keep an arch in your lower back and use tight form with
this one. No bobbing up and down to get the weight up. A good trick I
like to use is to think about forcing the chest DOWN as you pull the
barbell UP.

In looking at the demo pics here, I could stand to be a bit more bent-over
having my upper body in a more horizontal position.

Wide Grip Barbell Rows - Upper Back

Wide Grip Barbell Rows - Upper Back

#3 Stiff-Legged Deadlifts - Hamstrings, Glutes and Lower Back

The wider grip on this one (not quite a snatch grip) will give you
a bit more range and a bit more stretch on the hams. Be sure to
keep that arch in the lower back, too!

#3 Stiff-Legged Deadlifts - Hamstrings, Glutes and Lower Back

#3 Stiff-Legged Deadlifts - Hamstrings, Glutes and Lower Back

#4 Conventional Deadlift - Lower Back, Upper Back, Glutes, Hamstrings

The weight will be relatively light for a deadlift but after working the
rest of the posterior chain exercises before it, you'll find it challenging
to perform!

#4 Conventional Deadlift - Lower Back, Upper Back, Glutes, Hamstrings

#4 Conventional Deadlift - Lower Back, Upper Back, Glutes, Hamstrings

All done!

This one really hits the whole body hard. As I mentioned above, it's a
great metabolism booster while on a fat loss program or when short
on time for training.


Now, if complexes are something that you're interested in, I've got
something from my friend and colleague Shawna Kaminski that'll
be perfect for you.

It's a book called "Challenge Complexes" and, ironically enough, it's all about
complexes, just like the one I showed you above. Shawna has a TON of
experience with complexes and has put together some really cool

Complexes can be a lot of fun, especially if you're looking for a new
challenge in the gym. She's done a great job with this book and these
complexes will push you hard!

Grab your copy of Challenge Complexes here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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