Subject: A WARNING about Melatonin...

This may come as a bit of a shock...

But the science shows that melatonin is actually pretty worthless for fixing chronic sleep problems, both in the short term and the long term. 

According to neurologist and sleep medicine specialist John Andrefsky, MD: “Melatonin only decreases the time it takes you to fall asleep by about six minutes.”


And while melatonin can be helpful for fixing jet lag, it just isn't a real solution if you have problems sleeping night after night.

It's effectiveness starts to taper off after a few days, meaning you have to take more and more to be effective.

And on top of that, taking the wrong dose can lead to headaches and drowsiness the next day… making you feel worse than if you hadn’t slept at all. 


So what CAN actually work to help you get the quality sleep you need?


A deficiency in magnesium has been shown to make sleep problems worse…

And taking magnesium can help your body produce the neurotransmitters you need to fall asleep and stay asleep each night. 

One study in patients with insomnia found that taking magnesium helped people:

  • Fall asleep faster and sleep longer
  • Wake up later and have fewer early morning wakings
  • Decrease levels of cortisol, the “stress hormone” which can impact sleep.

And if restless leg syndrome is the reason you can’t sleep, magnesium works wonders for that, too. 

However, before you go to the drugstore and get some generic magnesium…or if you’ve tried magnesium before without good results…

You need to see this report that explains why the best magnesium formula has all 7 forms of magnesium.

Most products out there only have one or two forms.

Getting all 7 ensures your body gets all of the magnesium forms it needs…and you get the results you want.

(I've been taking this stuff for 5+ years myself and love it...I never go without it and I've got half my family taking it, too).

Discover what these 7 powerful forms of magnesium can help you sleep better, manage your stress and get immediately STRONGER, too.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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