Subject: A VERY tough push-up exercise...(think you've got what it takes do it?)

Training your chest with bodyweight movements
such as push-ups is a great idea...however, when
you get stronger with push-ups, there comes a
point where you'll no longer have enough
resistance to really build the chest effectively!

That's where THIS variation of the push-up comes into play. It's
a bodyweight-only exercise that dramatically ramps up the
demands on the chest....and all you need is a floor and a wall to
do it.

To perform this one, you will need a good base level of strength
in the push-up'll need to be able to perform at least
20 to 30 or more push-ups before this one becomes practical for you.

To give you an idea, I can do more than 50 push-ups and the first
time I tried this variation, I got 4 reps with it...

So yeah, it's challenging!

Check out this TOUGH variation of the push-up here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of M

P.S. This past week I've been talking about the Hypertrophy MAX
program put together by Vince Del Monte and IFFBB Pro Ben Pakulski.

In case you were thinking of getting it but weren't sure yet, they've
just added ANOTHER bonus to the mix...
the entire Season 1, 2, 3, 4 & SOON TO BE RELEASED Season 5
of Vince's "Live Large TV."

In this series, you'll get...

--> Exercise variations & progressions for every single bodypart (Season 4)

--> The science behind hypertrophy program design i.e the science
of reps, sets,rest periods, tempo, loads etc (Season 3)

--> Every time Ben accompanies Vince for Rip It Up Tips and teaches
additional Intentions techniques applied to lifting (Season 2 and 3)

--> Detailed reviews of the latest diets like carb cycling, IIFYM,
intermittent fasting, cheat days, carb cycling and paleo eating etc.

--> Vince's detailed cardio and abdominal routines he followed to
achieve 4.8% body fat and earn his WBFF Pro Card and achieve
"cover model abs".

I just wanted to also let you know Hypertrophy MAX absolutely has
my seal of approval. I've gone through the info in it and it's quality
stuff. If you want to build muscle, this is a GREAT program for it,
put together by two of the best in business when it comes to
coaching for muscle-building.

Check it out here (and name your own price on the first month!).

P.P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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