Subject: A SIMPLE way to fix tight hips...

Tight hips can mess you up...if you have tight hips, you know how that affects just about every movement that you make.

Deadlifts and squats don't feel quite right and you can't lift as much weight as you should...heck, even walking and running can be painful.

What I've got for you is a simple technique for improving the mobility of your hip area while working your legs at the same time. It's really easy to do and very effective, especially when done regularly.

All you need is a dumbell.

You're going to hold the dumbell in your hands, with your feet out wide to the side in a sumo stance. I'm doing this with my toes elevated on the cross-bars of a power rack, but you can do this just with your feet flat on the floor, too.

I find the toes-elevated version gives me a greater stretch on the glutes (if you don't have a rack, you can use a couple of 25 lb plates, too...just remember to keep your weight on your heels, not your toes).

Then you're going to drop down into the sumo squat position and just hold it, letting the weight pull you down into the stretch. Hold it for about 45 seconds to a minute.

I'm using a 65 lb dumbell for this - you don't need a whole lot of weight, but it should be enough that it does pull you down.

In the second pic, you can see the weight is a bit closer to the floor. This is a result of letting the weight pull me down into the stretch.

Then just set the weight on the floor and you're done (you can do a couple of sets of this, if you have really tight hips that need more help).

This is an exercise to finish off your leg training, not something to do before you work your legs heavy. It's definitely more effective done when your muscles are warm from training.

You'll not only get the stretch, you'll also work your legs fairly hard by holding that bottom squat position for that period of time.


Want more tips like this for transforming your body and your LIFE?...

The past few days, I've talked about a book from my friend Tyler Bramlett, called 27 Body Transformation Habits You Can't Ignore. Right now, he's giving it away for FREE (+6.95 s&h).

This is totally worth grabbing a copy of and it contains all kinds of great tips like that warm-up one that can help you transform and improve your life.

I highly recommend it...the stuff in the book is simple and very doable.

Inside you'll learn cool tricks like:

- The 45-Second “Shower Trick” That Ignites Your Metabolism And Improves Sleep, Depression And Your Hormones!

- Why You Should NEVER Sleep For 8-Hours And The Best Way To Burn Fat While Sleeping!

- A Coffee “Hack” You Can Use In The Morning To Dramatically Reduce Your Appetite, Give You More Energy And Put Your Body In All Day Fat Burning Mode!

- How To Eat Doughnuts, Pizza, Ice Cream And All Of The Other “Forbidden Foods” Without Storing ANY As Body Fat!

- Why Cell Phones Could Be Causing You To GAIN WEIGHT And The 15-Second “Earthing” Fix You Can Use To Stop It!

- The 5-Minute “Breathing Trick” You Can Do While Sitting That Reduces The Stress Hormone Cortisol And Boosts Your Energy, Fat Loss And Mood!

Grab your copy here....(supply is limited...3/4 of the books are gone already...and the rest will go fast)

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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