Subject: A NEW DB Crawl exercise for a tight core and chiseled chest...

Crawling while holding dumbbells in your hands (a.k.a. the Bear Crawl) is one of THE single best core exercises you can do.

I absolutely LOVE the dumbbell crawl exercise.

I've talked about this "main" version pictured below (with just dumbbells) as well as doing this movement while also wearing ankle weights, a band around the wrists and feet, with a weight vest on, and also while dragging a pulling sled.

Those are all awesome....however, as many variations as I'VE tried, I've still never seen THIS variation of Dumbbell Crawling before...

This version is going to add in chest work while also changing up how you perform the crawling part of the movement.

Check out this new Dumbbell Crawl exercise here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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