Subject: 7 CRAZY GOOD bodyweight exercises for mass...

Bodyweight training can be FANTASTIC for building mass.

You just need to know how to add resistance to the basic movement patterns with creative setups.

Yesterday, I talked about a program called "Bodyweight Beast" from my friends at Critical Bench.

This program is specifically designed to get you LEAN and STRONG using bodyweight-only training.

And it's GREAT for that.

If you're training at home with minimal equipment, traveling, or if you just want to take a break from heavy resistance training, I would definitely recommend you pick up a copy of Bodyweight Beast

(at just 7 bucks, it's totally worth it).

Along that line, I also wanted to give you some of my favorite bodyweight exercises for building mass.

These allow you to really ramp up the resistance on the target muscles...I work them in even when I'm not doing just bodyweight-only training.

1. Bench Clench Push-Ups for Upper Chest

2. Corner Rack Pull-Ups for Wider Lats

3. Non-Stop Chins and Curls Superset for Biceps (bodyweight plus free weight)

4. Bodyweight Tricep Extensions to Hindu Push-Ups

5. Elevated Pike Handstand Push-Ups for Shoulder Training

6. Towel Pistol Squats (quads, hams and glutes)

7. Bench-End Full-Range Abdominal Sit-Ups For Six-Pack Abs That POP (not directly for mass but helps develop core strength for heavier lifting)


Give these movements a try! You'll get some seriously good mass training out of them.

And definitely check out Bodyweight Beast, especially if you're interested in a complete program for bodyweight training to get lean and strong.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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