Subject: 4 reasons why "nutrient timing" is the KEY to real fat loss...

If you're not keeping an eye on how you time your nutrient intake, you're missing out on a LOT of results in your fat-loss efforts.

It's one of the biggest "non-secret" secrets when it comes to eating.

If you've done my Metabolic Surge program, you know how militant I can be about timing of nutrients (and rotation of nutrients). And you also know how well it WORKS.

So with that mind, I've got a guest article here from Andrew Judson of Additional Nutritional (his company creates completely customized nutrition programs, based on YOU and YOUR life and goals).

Honestly, what they do is fantastic in terms of creating a nutrition plan you can live with and get results with for the long haul. I'm a big fan of their work.

Learn more about how they can build you a customized nutrition plan here here.



Andrew Judson here.

A lot of folks ask us what we do that differs from all the other nutrition companies and fads out there, so I thought I'd share the main reason with you.


Nutrient Timing simply means eating specific nutrients (such as proteins, fats or carbs) in specific amounts, at specific times (such as before, during or after exercise) and everything in between from sunrise to sunset.

Nutrient Timing is a different journey for each individual due to their personal, work, exercise and sleep schedules.

We often hear, "But isn't nutrient timing more for athletes?"

No, nothing could be further from the truth.

Athletes will benefit from nutrient timing, and so can you, whether you're an athlete or not.


Nutrient timing, or the times in which we eat our healthy fats, carbs and protein throughout the day, have a major influence on preventing burnout when it comes to body fat regulation.


Why is Nutrient Timing So Important?

Here are 4 reasons why:


1) Nutrient Timing promotes high satiety (the fullness factor)

Each macronutrient has a different use for your body such as hunger levels, digestion and what it does, once it's broken down in our bodies. The amount, and macronutrient make up of our meals have a large effect on how full it leaves us and for how long.


2) Nutrient Timing Creates Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

The macronutrients we eat, and their timing will impact our blood sugar levels, which is the single most important quality of of nutrient timing.

 Our goal is to maintain regulated blood sugar levels throughout the day and to avoid big blood sugar spikes. The exception being the post-workout carbs, or some perhaps in the evening if you've earned them, but that is a whole other subject for another time.


3) Nutrient Timing Promotes Optimal Hormone Function and Sleep

The two aforementioned reasons are also linked with your hormones. When we eat something that elevates our blood sugar, and when we don't need that surge of insulin, it will eventually throw your hormones out of whack.

The hormone cortisol, for example, is the highest upon waking up. This is our natural circadian rhythm (as the sun rotates). So eating something like a bowl of cereal, pancakes, etc will not only throw your blood sugar and make us hungrier, but it can also blunt cortisol. All this can contribute to a poor quality sleep by messing with our circadian rhythm.

In short, Nutrient Timing will improve your sleep even while in a slight caloric deficit (if weight loss was your goal).

You need a quality sleep for cells to repair and regenerate, for proper hormone function (especially ghrelin and leptin), which tell you when you are hungry and when you are full.


4) Nutrient Timing Helps to Burn Body Fat More Efficiently

You may have noticed that all these reasons are interconnected and this reason is no different.

When your hormones are functioning properly, you are getting enough sleep, and you've found a perfect amount of calories and nutrient macronutrient division, you will be in the optimal space for burning body fat efficiently. You will also stay in an anabolic state, which is optimal for maintaining bone density lean muscle tissue.


There you have it.

Nutrient Timing is the CENTER of what we do and how we tailor each plan.

With the foundations and principles in place we just need to dig a little deeper to get to know you as an individual.

Your individual Nutrient Timing will differ from anyone else's in the world. You have your own goals, lifestyle, schedules, habits and preferences, so let's find out together what we can do for you.

CLICK HERE to learn more about getting started with your own customized nutrition plan for fat loss or muscle-building.

Andrew Judson - Additional Nutritional


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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