Subject: 3 cool chest training tips for you...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Got 3 training tips from Jeff Anderson (The Muscle Nerd, as you
probably well know by now). Obviously Jeff is plugging his new
"Muscle Specialization" program here with these tips :)

But these are some good, easy tweaks you can use in your next
chest workout - I've actually tried all of these (though my
shoulders rebelled when I did the first one about 15 years ago,
so I haven't used it since - my shoulders stink though, so don't
let that stop you from trying it. I definitely felt it in the
target area at the time, though).

Plus, I'm going to add a few of my own notes to Jeff's tips here
for you, too.

So here are 3 "strange but POWERFUL" exercises for the most
common chest challenges:


Target: Upper Chest


Forget boring old inclines! Do this instead...

...Smith Machine Presses To The NECK!

Lie flat on a bench with the Smith Machine bar right at your
NECK instead of your chest.

Grab the bar slightly wider than shoulder width and press as
normal (2 seconds up; slow 4-count on the way down).

Keep your elbows flared OUT and really concentrate on feeling a
good stretch in your upper pecs at the bottom of the movement!

Go for a good "pump" at 8-12 reps!

NOTE FROM NICK: be sure you start with a lighter weight than you
think you'll need when you do these for the first time (even just
the bar). You want to be sure your shoulders can handle being
locked into the movement as the Smith Machine bar will do. It's
important you use a Smith Machine (as much as I normally don't
like them for most exercises) for THIS exercise because you will
need the bar to not move forward or back - just up and down, so
you can concentrate on getting your mind into the target area
rather than worrying about not crushing your own throat. That
control is important. And definitely set the bottom safety stops
at the correct place!


Target: Inner Chest ("Cleavage")


This one comes from the underground iron pit of max security

(Don't ask how I got this.)

Lie flat on a bench and grab ONE SINGLE DUMBBELL that's slightly
LESS than the combined weight you would normally use for 2
dumbbells. (So if you normally press 60lbs in each hand, grab a
90 or 100.)

Maneuver your hands so you can wrap both around the handle
(tricky, but you'll figure out how to overlap).

Now, holding the weight so it's facing up and down your body
(lengthwise), press the weight as normal.

At the TOP of the movement, press your pec muscles together HARD
and squeeze (HARDER!) for a 2 second count.

NOTE FROM NICK: If you find a single dumbell too weird to grip,
you can also use TWO dumbells. Just press them in together all
the way down and all the way up - it's easier to manage when
using hex-head dumbells that have flat faces on them, if you have
those available.


Target: Lower Chest


Dips...Dips...Dips...* BUT *...

Rather than keeping your feet BEHIND you...

...stick them out in FRONT of you!

On the dip bar, keeping your legs straight, bring your feet out
in front so your body is in a "V" shape.

Keep your elbows flared OUT away from your body as you lower
yourself down and focus on LEANING FORWARD.

Come down far enought that you feel a good stretch in your

Bringing your feet to the FRONT actually places more emphasis on
your lower chest muscles instead of your triceps that tend to
give our the earliest.

Also, don't "lock out" at the top of the dip movement!

Stop about 6 inches short of the top to keep the stress on your

NOTE FROM NICK: I like to visualize this one as putting your
body in a "half-moon" shape. Your torso should be hunched forward
rather than straight up and down. To give the pecs an extra kick,
imagine as though you're trying to push the dipping handles
TOGETHER as you come up. That gives the pecs an even greater


That's the three chest tips! And if you'd like to hear 12 more
tips, check out the 60 minute "smackdown" interview I did with
Jeff a couple of days ago:

And here's a link to the Muscle Specialization program:


P.S. if you want the info but you maybe can't afford the printed
book, DVD, and audio CD's, no problem!

Jeff has also got a downloadable version of all the content
available, too. When you close the sales page, an alert box will
pop up...make sure and click the CANCEL button. You'll end up on
the page where you can get the stuff for about HALF the price.
You won't receive anything in the mail and it will take a bit of
time to download (lots of video), but the content is all there!