Subject: 3 Little Fat Burning Tricks (one of them while you sleep!)

Burning fat does NOT have to be some
monumental life-altering massive undertaking...

... and yep, even though I post all kinds of crazy training
and exercises for fat loss, I'm being serious...

There are simple things you can do...simple changes to your
daily routine and habits that help "flip the switch" from fat-
storing to fat-burning.

I’ve got a great article here from my friend and colleague
Craig Ballantyne...3 cool little tricks you can use to melt away
stubborn fat.

Here’s Craig…


Tip #1

This is a super-easy way to make your meals more satisfying
and to lose additional weight without feeling like your giving
up all your favorite foods.

Best of all, this simple tip makes your meals more enjoyable!

About 5 minutes before you start your meal, eat a spoonful
of delicious creamy organic almond butter (peanut butter
works too).

Don’t worry about measuring it out or being precious – a
sloppy spoonful is fine.

Not only does it taste delicious, but the healthy fats activate
a little-known but powerful hormone called ghrelin. It’s the
hormone that tells your body loud and clear that it should
feel full and satisfied.

Two things will happen. As you eat, your body will be
flooded with hormones that enhance the feeling of
satisfaction. And you’ll also feel full and delighted much

Overeating and feeling bloated will be a thing of the past!

Tip #2

This is a powerful one because it allows you to burn extra

Awesome right?

It’s another quick and easy trick you can start using today.

All you need to do is lower the temperature in your bedroom
by a few degrees. A recent study showed that dropping the
room temperature from 75° to 67° causes men and women
to burn more fat every single night.

It doesn’t get any better than that right? You don’t have to
sacrifice and give up everything you love to lose weight.

Adjust your thermostat or turn up the A/C and burn fat while
you snooze.

It’s truly effortless fat loss.

Tip #3

Use your body’s natural cycles to lose weight as fast and
easy as possible.

Most people don’t know this but your body goes through
natural metabolic cycles throughout the day. It’s why you
have energy in the morning, you get tired after lunch and
why you get a little burst of energy when you get home at

The most important cycle for fat loss is in the morning. No
doubt about it. That’s why leading fat loss researchers (and
your mother) say that breakfast is the most important meal
of the day.

So how can you take advantage of your body’s natural
metabolic cycle in the morning? Well I discovered a simple
6-minute routine you can do in the morning to burn fat and
boost energy.

(And it’s not 6-minutes of exercise either!)

I call it “6-Minutes to Skinny” because this routine is so
unique and powerful that it can really get you skinny in just
6 minutes per day. Click the link below to learn more:

==> Click here for the Amazing 6-Minutes to Skinny Secret (Exciting Stuff)

To Your Best Body Ever,

Craig Ballantyne


[This is Nick here again]

Just fyi, when you click that link above, you'll get taken
to a video presentation that talks about Craig's new
program "6 Minutes to Skinny". If you don't have time to
watch the full video, no problem. Just close the window
and choose the "Stay on Page" button that pops up and
you'll be able to read through everything.

I've just finished digging through Craig's program this
morning and I think it's very good stuff, especially if
you're just starting out in your fat loss journey (beginner
to intermediate) or if you don't have a whole lot of extra
time in your day.

Craig's put together a very easy-to-follow package that
covers exercise, nutrition and supplementation for
losing fat with very simple changes to your daily life and
patterns...literally something you can do in 6 minutes a day.

If your excuse has always been "I don't have time"...well,
you should check this program out.

You DO have time for this...and it WORKS.

==> Click here to learn more about 6-Minutes to Skinny

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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