Subject: 2 strange tactics to build lean muscle and a personal note from me...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

You'll find those 2 tactics in this video:


It really addresses one of the common (and undesirable) side
effects of the classic "bulking and cutting" cycle...getting big
and strong but ending up looking like a big bloated dough-boy.
Then when you cut down, you lose a lot of that strength and

Elliott's the one narrating the video and he talks about his own
PMS problems (Puffy Muscle Syndrome, not the other PMS ;) and his
bicep tendon injury that led him down the path of this Lean
Hybrid style of training, that allowed him to drop significant
fat while actually building muscle and strength.


On a Personal Note...

I just have to say I've been there on that "bulking and cutting"
merry-go-round and it stinks. When I first started training, I
weighed in at about 145 lbs and was desparate to build
muscle...then I discovered cafeteria food at the university I was
going to :).

I gained 75 lbs in my first 8 months of training and got big and
fairly strong.

With that weight gain came a LOT of extra fat, too, though. It
was the classic bulking problem I mentioned above. My blood
pressure was borderline hypertension and I was out of breath just
walking up a flight of stairs. Just brutal to even think about

So then I decided to lose the extra fat. Well, I didn't really
know what I was doing and ended up losing a LOT of my hard-earned
muscle and strength. Heck, I look back at the training logs I
kept and it's can literally SEE my strength
decreasing every week.

I look back on it and MAN do I wish I knew then what I know now.
And I definitely wish I had access to the type of info Mike and
Elliott are putting forward in their Lean Hybrid Muscle program.
Would've saved me a LOT of frustration.

I'm not going to tell you this is the perfect program that's
going to solve all your problems (no program will do that). What
I WILL tell you is that these guys have put a tremendous amount
of research and their own training experience into this program
and it really will allow you to build muscle and strength while
getting your bodyfat down.

It's effective stuff...not easy (nothing worthwhile generally
is), but VERY effective.

And as I mentioned a few days ago, I'm going to be doing their
program myself in between cycles of my own muscle-building
program to drop fat and get in better cardio shape while keeping
my strength and mass, so I'll be doing this program right
alongside you.

Speaking for myself, I don't want to ever go through that "get
fat and strong then lean and weak" roller coaster again and if
you're serious about not going through that again either (or
EVER, if you've not done it yet), this program is a really good

You can read more about it here:



P.S. Just as an aside, there are a few exercises in the Lean
Hybrid program that I'm not a big fan of (upright rows, for
example), which is why I decided to include a couple of extra
bonus exercise books for you when you pick up Lean Hybrid Muscle
through one of the tracking links in this email..."The Best
Fat-Loss Exercises You've Never Heard Of" and "The Best Core
Strength Exercises You've Never Heard Of."

When you pick up Lean Hybrid Muscle, just forward your receipt to and we'll hit you back with the download link
for those two books. And remember, this offer is ONLY available
when you grab it through one of the links in this email.


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