Subject: 2 exercise chest workout for unlocking stubborn fat...

One of the best ways to lose stubborn fat is with Lactic Acid Training.

When you crank up the lactic acid (a.k.a. lactate), your body responds by secreting Growth Hormone, which is extremely powerful for helping the body unlock stubborn fat deposits.

The goal of Lactic Acid Training is to crank up the production of it in a target muscle, and keeping it there for a relatively long stretch of time.

In this case, we're going to be using a pre-exhaust technique to focus that lactic acid on the chest.

You'll need two sets of dumbbells for this. I've got a pair of 25's (for flyes, which are the isolation exercise we'll do first to pre-exhaust the chest) and a pair of 50's (for the presses, which are the compound exercise you'll do for the rest of it).

We'll start with one high-rep set of dumbbell flyes (30+ reps). Focus on STRICT form and continuous tension when doing these.

When you get towards the top of the exercise, focus on maintaining that contraction in the pecs...don't come all the way up and relax the chest. We want to keep that lactic acid localized in the chest and keeping the muscles contracted is the best way to do it in the chest.

Take this first set to what I call "chemical failure"...meaning the acidity in your muscles is what's stopping you from getting more reps rather than muscle fiber fatigue.

In other words, do reps until the burn shuts you down.

Then rest 20 seconds, pick up the heavier weights, and do as many presses as you can with them.

Since it's a compound exercise, the triceps and shoulders will help push your chest further and crank up more lactic acid production.

You won't get a lot of reps on this one (maybe 8-10). Do as many as you can, staying one rep short of failure.

Rest 20 seconds, then do it again.

Repeat this for 7 total sets of presses (8 total sets for chest, including the single set of flyes), taking 20 seconds rest in between sets all the way through.

The idea is to generate a TON of lactaic acid and keep it there - we don't care how many reps you get, as long as that lactic acid is coursing through your veins!

On the very last set of presses, THAT is when you want to give it everything you've got. Take this last set to the point where your arms are shaking (don't let the weight fall on you, though!).

This will give you a MASSIVE load of lactic acid to get your body kicking out the Growth Hormone for unlocking that stubborn fat.

(Also, don't be surprised if you end up getting really sore from's not the lactic acid making you sore, though, it's the high reps and rest-pause style of training that your body won't be used to).

Click here to watch the full video rundown.

Click here to start at the workout demo.


And if you like this kind of killer fat-loss training, you'll love these workouts, too...



Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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