Subject: 2 Balancing Bar Pull-Ups... (this is nuts)

This is a killer pull-up variation...looks insane, for sure, but if you're strong with pull-ups, you'll love the challenge.

It requires complete and total control over your body during the pull-up...pretty much the opposite of a kipping pull-up. Any kips and you're toast.

You set two bars on the rails, one rail about 6-10 inches lower than the other. Put a little weight on the other end of the bars - I've got 7.5 lbs on the other end - you don't need much. I've got the unweighted ends with weight stop part pushed right up against the rail.

Click here or on the picture here to watch the video of the exercise in action.

(even if you don't try the exercise, it's worth watching :)

The load should be just enough to perfectly counterbalance your bodyweight as you're doing a pull-up so that you can keep the other ends of the bars off the rail and freely moving the entire time.

This LIGHTS UP your lats as there is no break in the tension, even at the bottom.

I've done this with one bar before but tried with two bars tonight, which I really like. The two bar version is even more unstable and requires more concentration to perform properly.

You'll need to be strong enough to do probably 8-10 pull-ups to get good reps with this one.

In addition, you're also holding onto the fat ends of the bars, so your grip is going to get torched as well.

If you try it, let me know how you like it!

The one-bar version is great, too - for that one, you take an interlocking-fingers grip over the end of the bar and put a bit more weight on the other end of the bar (I used 35 lbs for that). The rest of the setup is the same.

You can get the best idea of how this exercise is done by watching the video on my Instagram feed here.


Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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