Subject: 2 ADVANCED pull-up variations to test yourself with...

I'm not kidding when I say these are'll need to be strong enough to do at least 10 or more regular pull-ups to attempt these.

The first is a pull-up that also targets the hamstrings...

Yes, you read that right.


It's a weighted pull-up variation, done using the power rack, that has you hooking a barbell in behind your knees while you do the pull-up.

This forces you to maintain a vertical body position, while activating more posterior chain muscles (the muscles that run down the back of the body), while also forcing you to perform very strict reps...there is no way to kip or hitch with this one.

You can watch the video of this here on my Instagram feed (no need to have an account)

The second variation is one I'm showing as a chin-up, but could also be done as a pull-up as well.

This one will absolutely HAMMER your six-pack abs.

The chin-up is a great six-pack exercise just on it's own (little known fact)...for this one, you're going to support the barbell in the crook of your hips, with your knees bent.

You will need the rack for this one, too.

You can watch the video of this one in action here on my IG feed as well.

This exercise can be done either setting the bar back on the rails at the bottom of each rep or continuous tension (not letting the bar touch) as I demo in the video.

Both of these variations are absolutely brutal...and you can see why they're advanced.


Here's How YOU Can Get Stronger At Pull-Ups...

And this includes doing your first one!

Having a strong pull-up is going to carry over to almost every aspect of your training.

I mean honestly, if you want a stronger bench press, one of the best ways to do it is to build a stronger back.

And the single best manual for building up your pull-up strength is THIS.

It's called The Ultimate Pull-Up Program, created by a friend and colleague of mine, Meghan Callaway.

And I have to say, this program is legit.

Meghan is an accomplished strength coach with years of experience coaching real people to get stronger.

To give you an idea, using her methods, one of her clients (a woman in her 70's) recently performed her first full, unassisted pull-up.

Read that again...a woman in her SEVENTIES.

If that's not proof of effectiveness, I don't know what is.

For more information and to grab your copy of the Ultimate Pull-Up program (currently 40% off), click here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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