Subject: 15 Min KB/Bodyweight AMRAP Circuit

In this case, AMRAP means “as many rounds as possible”, and is a perfect format for building intensity, conditioning, endurance and mental toughness into your workouts.

This is a fantastic way to get a complete workout in a very short period of time...very effective and very efficient, even with limited equipment.

This format is used for a good chunk of the workouts in a program called the CORE Kettlebell Challenge.


Here’s how it works:

You have a certain number of reps of each exercises to complete in every set before moving onto the next.

Once you have completed the prescribed number of exercises and reps of each, you go back to the start and begin again. That counts as one round.

The goal is to perform as many rounds as possible in the given time.

AMRAP workouts are very intense, and very time efficient.

They are also very scalable for different fitness levels, because you can take it a little slower if you are just getting back into things, or you can really push the pace if you want a harder workout.

Finally, they are great because you can integrate all kinds of different exercises, and if structured properly, they can give you a perfect mix of strength and endurance-type training.


Ready for a sample workout using the AMRAP format?

15 Min KB/Bodyweight AMRAP Circuit workout in the style of the CORE Kettlebell Challenge.

MAIN CIRCUIT – AMRAP in 15 minutes. Perform as many rounds of the following as possible in 15 minutes, resting as needed to maintain proper form:

1 – KB tempo Goblet Squat (3:1:3) – 10 reps

2 – Paused Push-ups – 10 reps (Paused and hands elevated if beginner)

3 – KB Swing – 15 reps

4 – Reverse lunges – add a kettlebell in suitcase position, holding KB on the same side as your moving leg – 8 reps per side

5 – Plank Kick Through – 8 reps per side


(Check out the full CORE Kettlebell Challenge course for full descriptions / breakdown videos of each exercise)


Give that one a try, and let me know how many rounds you can get in 15 minutes!

This combination moves you through a variety of movement patterns, giving you selective rest for some muscles while working others.

Also, be sure to check out the CORE Kettlebell Challenge program that this workout is pulled from.

All you need is two kettlebells and 20 minutes per workout and in 40 days, you'll dramatically transform your body.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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