Subject: 10 Things You Can Do To Lose Fat Without Even Trying

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

For some reason, that article is one of THE most popular
articles on my site...can't imagine why...

So I know there's a lot of interest in losing fat out there,
especially with no effort involved ;)

Anyway, my purpose in sending this article along to you is to
encourage you to check out Dr. Kareem's fat-loss info that I've
been talking about the past few days. It is really good stuff -
he's got plenty of free samples for you to check out as well as
videos explaining what his program focus is all about.

It's not a "no-effort" fat loss program - it'll definitely
challenge you. I do think it has a lot of potential, especially
for people who aren't looking for a highly-strict program like my
Metabolic Surge program or higher-intensity like John
Romaniello's program that I told you about a few weeks back.

Here's the link for Dr. K's stuff:


The info in my article below is pretty straightfoward, just fyi,
but it never hurts to get a little reminder of the basics!

I'll hit you up with some funky stuff tomorrow :)



10 Things You Can Do To Lose Fat Without Even Trying

1. Eat smaller more frequent meals - not only is your metabolism
boosted every time you eat something, your body can more
efficiently process smaller meals. Instead of having 3 large
meals in a day, try to break them up into 5 or 6 smaller meals.
You can even make the same things - just save half and eat it a
bit later.

2. Drink more water - regular water intake helps to flush away
waste products and keeps you hydrated, which is critical for fat

3. Be inefficient - do you need to go to the kitchen to get a
couple of things? Break it up into to two trips even if you can
do it in one. Being inefficient like this can easily double your
activity level, burning calories without even trying.

4. Eat more protein - sources of protein include foods such as
chicken, fish, eggs, dairy, beans, lean red meats, etc. Your body
burns more calories processing protein than either carbohydrates
or fats. Protein also helps to support your muscle tissue, which
burns calories all day long!

5. Take the stairs instead of the elevator - any time you can
add in a little more physical activity, do it. This doesn't mean
you need to slog up 20 flights of stairs. Even a flight or two
done regularly will add up.

6. Don't let yourself get really hungry - when you get extremely
hungry you will have a much greater tendency to overeat when you
do finally get something to eat. As well, because your body is
starting to go into starvation mode, it will be much more likely
to hold onto whatever you give it.

7. Order small portions at restaurants - it's tough to order
small french fries when "supersizing" your order is such a great
"value." Take note, however, your real savings will occur in the
calories that don't end up on your backside. You can also
immediately request a container and put half your meal into it
right away.

8. Eat more fiber - fiber is very filling. By eating more fiber
you will find yourself full sooner. This feeling of fullness will
last a long time as well.

9. Wait 20 minutes between servings - your brain takes at least
20 minutes to register that you're full. By waiting that long,
you'll give your brain a chance to realize that you probably
don't really need any more food.

10. "Cheat" on your diet - one thing I always make my clients
promise is that they will cheat on their diet. The only thing I
ask that they do is to cheat ONLY when they have planned to cheat
(you can also call it a "free meal" if cheating doesn't sit well
with you). By planning when you are going to eat the foods you
crave, you take back control of your eating habits. It's very

This way you no longer "give in" to your cravings. You "reward
yourself" for sticking to proper nutritional habits. Do this once
or twice a week and you will feel far more in control of your

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