Subject: 10-15% stronger on dumbbells curls INSTANTLY...(simple hack)

Now, I personally don't know any guy that thinks their arms are too big and muscular...

So what I've got for you is a killer technique for instantly curling more weight, using just a very simple nervous system "hack."

You can read about it and see it in action here.

It WORKS and it will help you build bigger, stronger arms FASTER than regular training.

And when you pick up my new Metamorphosis book, you're going to learn even MORE tricks just like it...things you can use to DESTROY any strength or muscle-building plateaus you've got.

Read about Metamorphosis here...


Quick FAQ on Metamorphosis

Now, I've had a number of questions come in about the program and I'm going to be putting together a full FAQ for you answering everything.

A couple of the more frequent questions I want to answer right now... (if you have anything you're wondering about, reply to this email and fire away...I'll make sure and get them answered for you).

Q. Do I get free lifetime updates of the book?

A. Absolutely. You'll get every single update I make to this program forever for free.

Q. What equipment do I need to have to do it with?

The program is designed with primarily free weight in mind, using a power rack for some of the heavier stuff. I only have a couple of machines in my basement, so I purposefully focused on free weight exercises. If you only have dumbbells and no barbells, however, you will be able to most of the program as-is. It will just require a few modifications.

Get the full rundown on Metamorphosis here...

Now, PLEASE keep in mind, the clock is ticking on this and it will be gone (yes, literally GONE) Thurdsday at midnight.

I'll be pulling it off the market for awhile so that I can personally work with the people who are going through the program via private Facebook group coaching.

And yes, this coaching from me is FREE for EVERYBODY who buys the program...I'll be there every day answering all your questions about how to get the most out of this program.

Grab your copy of Metamorphosis here...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
training lab every day with one singular experiment
with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
where other programs fail.

Be sure to visit (and like!) my Facebook page and subscribe to my
YouTube channel for more free exercises and training techniques.

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More insane Mad Scientist training to help you burn fat, build
muscle and develop YOUR best physique.
