Subject:  Last chance TODAY, something NUTS I did yesterday, and INSANITY from the day before...

First, the insanity from the day before yesterday...the answer to the age-old question of..."how many holes can a person golf in 24 hours?"

The answer, according to my Dad, is 150. And the reason he knows the answer is that he DID that on June 21st (you read that right...he golfed 150 holes over 24 straight hours at 76 years of age!). His goal was to get at least 100 holes and he beat that by 2 in the afternoon.

I can't think of any better way to prove that age is just a number.


Second, something nuts I did yesterday...I think I'll call it a Robocop Farmers Walk since trying to name it anything descriptive is just futile...

It's a Farmers Walk...carrying two 60-lb water jugs...while wearing an 85 lb weight vest...and two 20 lb ankle weights...going up and down a flight of stairs for 15 minutes (with brief rest periods). That's a total of 245 extra pounds I'm going up and down the stairs with.

I call it a Robocop Farmers Walk because I was wearing so much metal I felt like I was moving like Robocop!

I've got a video of it on my Facebook page...and be sure to click the "Like" button while you're there, especially if you do like to see stuff like'll only encourage me to do more of it... ;)


Third, TODAY is the last day you'll be able to pick up Adam and Ryan's new "Shapeshifter" program for 51% off the price it's going to be tomorrow.

Get Shapeshifter for 51% off now...

If I haven't made it pretty obvious this week, I'm a BIG fan of this program. It's all bodyweight and it's put together extremely well.

It's a 6 week program (that you can repeat, of course) designed to reshape your body, building muscle and burning fat using only bodyweight exercises...stuff that you can do at home or on the road while travelling (we all know that consistency is the key to success in training!).

The creativity and training skill that went into this program is downright AMAZING and the price you can get it at right now is just as amazing. It's worth the price at double, and right now (for a few more hours), you can get it for HALF.

Get Shapeshifter for 51% off now...

That's it for now!


P.S. And just fyi, I'm almost done putting together a very cool bonus for you when you pick up their program through one of the links in this email..."The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of."

So once you've purchased the program, just forward your receipt to Tomorrow we'll send you a link to pick up the book!

Plain link from today's email to copy and paste into your browser:

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