Subject: What I think of Crossfit...


It seems like just about everybody who's familiar with Crossfit
has strong opinions of it...either positive or negative.

Personally, I think Crossfit has a lot of great things going for
it...and some serious flaws as well.


- the cross-training model builds wide-ranging strength and endurance
- the methods and exercises can be just plain FUN (and challenging!)
- there is great camraderie and support...much more so than most "normal" gyms


- potential for injury due to improper form, overuse or inappropriate
  exercise selection (e.g. high-rep Olympic lifting)
- low coaching standards can be an issue in some "boxes"
- random workouts (WOD's) don't give good progression

Crossfit overall is good...

... IF you get in with a good coach that knows what he or she is doing...

... IF they keep a close eye on form and monitor workload to make
    sure you're not overloading yourself to the point of injury

...and IF they know how to properly progress you in your lifting.

And yeah, I know...that's a lot of "if's"...

So with that in mind, I want to introduce you to a friend of mine
Travis Stoetzel...not only is he a high-level Crossfit competitor
himself, he UNDERSTANDS the fundamental flaws in typical
Crossfit training and has taken steps to fix them.

To give you a little background, I've known Travis personally for
about a year and a half now, and (this is cool) the first time I
talked to him, he told me that one of the reasons he actually
started doing what he does now is because of an interview of
MINE that he listened to (which I thought was pretty cool - I
just love that I can have an impact on people like that!)

Now...remember those "if's" I talked about?

(a good, knowledgeable coach who monitors form, workload
and progression)

Travis checks all those boxes at the gym he runs. And if you
ever have the opportunity to train with him, I would HIGHLY
recommend it.

If you don't, I've got something to pass on to you that's almost
as good.

Travis has put together a "Crossfit-like" training system that
gives you the benefits of Crossfit WITHOUT the problems.

>>> Get more info on his new training system that's BETTER than Crossfit

This is a NEW and highly effective system out that will, in fact,
turn you into a "complete badass." It's excellent stuff.

Nick Nilsson
The "Ma
d Scientist of Muscle"

- Just fyi, Travis just put this up on sale for this week ONLY. You'll
be getting 15 FULL weeks of progressive "BADASS" building workouts.

>>> Become a training BADASS (Grab the Blueprint that will get you there)

P.P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
training lab every day with one singular experiment
with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
where other programs fail.

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