Subject: [Muscle Explosion Test Group] New Resource...Food Guide covering Weeks 1 and 2

(resending this in case you missed this yesterday! Was having some
email issues)

First off, thanks again for participating! I'm really looking forward to
seeing the results you get from the program!

Got a few things here to run by you here:

1. Food Guide

I've got a Food Guide covering Weeks 1 and 2 of the program,
put together by my friend and experienced Muscle Explosion user
Elena Georgiana. This is a 100+ page guide with some great
advice and information on how to eat and prepare food for the
Muscle Explosion program (recipes included).

You can download that here:

2. Starting Date

If you've already started the program, that's perfect! If you're
planning to start tomorrow, that's perfect, too. Several people
have asked me if it's ok to start a little bit later. And yes, it is.
Ideally, I wanted to have all the testing done by April 1st, but
since the full-on launch date is April 15th, there is a bit of
wiggle room.

So basically, if you need an extra week to get ready, not a problem.

3. Online Exercise Video Database

It's almost ready to roll! I'll have it completed in the next few days.
The videos will really help you see how the training techniques are
done...and I'll be creating a PDF exercise guide to go with it as well.

Your log-in info will be in the original email you got after
downloading the program.

4. "Before" Pics and Stats

Remember, if you haven't yet completed the before pics and
initial stats, definitely do that before starting the program. If
you have any issues with the PDF file, you can also just email
the stats directly to me in an email to


Thanks again for testing the program! I'm really looking forward to
your results and feedback!
